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by TSSA | Mar 12, 2023
The third and final phase of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority’s (TSSA) system upgrade was completed and went live on March 1, 2023.

TSSA’s new IT business solution supports and simplifies critical business functions

March 1, 2023

The third and final phase of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority’s (TSSA) system upgrade was completed and went live on March 1, 2023. 

The system upgrade introduces the following enhanced functionalities for customers of the Elevating and Amusement Devices and Ski Lifts (ED/AD Ski) Safety Program:

  • Centralized Inspection Scheduling: Improves customer experience by providing one point of contact for scheduling inspections.
  • Compliance Standards: Launched in tandem with the third phase of the system upgrade are Compliance Standards for elevators, escalators and ski lifts. Compliance Standards are a list of high-risk non-compliances which, if found on a periodic inspection, will result in a follow-up inspection by TSSA to ensure compliance. Compliance Standards also help device owners and operators better understand their safety priorities and identify items that may pose a high risk to public safety if not addressed immediately. Low- and medium-risk safety tasks will be documented on the inspection report and are expected to be addressed as part of regular equipment maintenance.
  • New Format for Inspection Reports: Enhanced clarity in inspection reports across Safety Programs through the improved use of language and the display of orders and safety tasks based on the compliance time; and resolved orders (if any).

  • Consolidation of Expiry Dates: Elevating and Ski Lift customers can request consolidated authorization expiry dates for all their elevating and ski-lift devices effective March 1, 2023.

  • Enhanced Authorizations: Reinforcing TSSA’s Lapsed Authorizations Policy, the new system identifies customers with lapsed authorizations and sends notifications to remind customers that they cannot legally operate without a valid authorization (e.g. licences and registrations).

System Upgrade Supports TSSA’s Safety Mandate

The successful completion of the third phase of the system-upgrade project puts all TSSA’s Safety programs — ED/AD Ski, Fuels, Boilers and Pressure Vessels and Operating Engineers — on one integrated platform. The upgraded IT business solution further advances TSSA’s transformation into an Outcome-Based Regulator by modernizing its processes and systems and improving core functions.

Providing real-time trustworthy data that will serve as the foundation for informed, risk-based decision-making puts TSSA in a stronger position to improve safety in Ontario. The modern functionality also sets the stage for future self-serve options for TSSA’s customers.

Longer response times can be expected for a period after the upgraded system goes live on March 1, 2023.

For more information, please refer to the infographic below and the Customer FAQ

Enhanced Functionalities for the Elevating & Amusement Devices
& Ski Lifts Safety Program

 Centralized Inspection Scheduling

  • Centralized Contact Point for Scheduling Inspections:
    • Shifts inspection scheduling to a dedicated team of inspection-scheduling agents available during regular hours (8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon- Fri) at 1-833-WFP-TSSA (1-833-937-8772) or
    • A minimum of 24 hours notice is required when rescheduling a pre-booked inspection.
  • Consistent Customer Experience:
    Ensures consistent customer service with standard inspection lead times and inspection-type prioritization. 

 Compliance Standards for Elevators, Escalators & 
Ski Lifts

  • Prioritizes High-Risk Non-Compliances:
    Help industry understand safety priorities by identifying high-risk non-compliances that may pose a high risk to public safety if not addressed immediately. Compliance Standards are a list of high-risk non-compliances which, if found on a periodic inspection, will result in a follow-up inspection by TSSA to ensure compliance. Low- and medium-risk safety tasks will be documented on the inspection report and are expected to be addressed as part of regular equipment maintenance.
  • Safety Ownership:
    Acknowledges that regulated parties have the primary responsibility for compliance and are required to:
    - Resolve all orders within the compliance time provided
    - Resolve low- or medium-risk safety tasks within the compliance time provided without further TSSA inspection

New Format for 
Inspection Reports

 Enhanced Clarity of Inspection Reports:
(The new format applies to inspection reports across all programs: Elevating & Amusement Devices; Ski Lifts; Fuels; Boilers & Pressure Vessels; Operating Engineer)

  • Improved language
  • Display orders based on the compliance time (orders with the shortest time to achieve compliance will appear at the top)
  • Display resolved orders (if any)

 Consolidation of Expiry Dates for Elevating Devices &
Ski Lifts



 Same Expiry Date for all Authorizations:

  • Consolidation of expiry dates gives authorization holders the option to have one expiry date for their devices for each account. The option will be available to authorization holders of elevating devices and ski lifts as of March 1, 2023. Interested applicants can request an application form by sending an email to
  • Customers can better manage billing cycles and pay renewal licenses at the same time for all devices.